Home > Ext JS, ExtMap, GeoWeb, OpenLayers > ExtMap website is opened…

ExtMap website is opened…

June 24th, 2009

I have been working on ExtMap (previously known as Summit ExtMap)  versions and its website. Today I ‘m proud of announcing the three versions of ExtMap and its website. As it is stated, I changed the name of project from Summit ExtMap to ExtMap and the versions are as follows:

  • ExtMap JS (ExtJS, Google Maps API and ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for the Google Maps API)
  • ExtMap REST (ExtJS, Google Maps API and ArcGIS Server REST API)
  • ExtMap OL (ExtJS and OpenLayers)

JS ve REST versions are mostly the same as Summit ExtMap, but OL version has some missing features which will be done soon. The website of ExtMap is also available as


Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or suggestions related to ExtMap.

Categories: Ext JS, ExtMap, GeoWeb, OpenLayers Tags: , , , ,
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