
Posts Tagged ‘REST’

ExtMap website is opened…

June 24th, 2009 Comments off

I have been working on ExtMap (previously known as Summit ExtMap)  versions and its website. Today I ‘m proud of announcing the three versions of ExtMap and its website. As it is stated, I changed the name of project from Summit ExtMap to ExtMap and the versions are as follows:

  • ExtMap JS (ExtJS, Google Maps API and ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for the Google Maps API)
  • ExtMap REST (ExtJS, Google Maps API and ArcGIS Server REST API)
  • ExtMap OL (ExtJS and OpenLayers)

JS ve REST versions are mostly the same as Summit ExtMap, but OL version has some missing features which will be done soon. The website of ExtMap is also available as

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or suggestions related to ExtMap.

Categories: Ext JS, ExtMap, GeoWeb, OpenLayers Tags: , , , ,

Thank you for your votes

April 6th, 2009 Comments off

Please forgive me about this late post. I want to thanks everyone who voted for me at ESRI Developer Summit Mashup Challenge.  I hope all you like the “Summit ExtMap” mashup framework and use it in your projects.

The reason for this late post is “Summit ExtMap“, because I still working on framework to add some new features. The coming release will be seperated to 3 different versions as

  • Summit ExtMap (for ArcGIS JS API Extension for Google Maps)
  • Summit ExtMapRest (without ArcGIS JS API, works only with ArcGIS REST API and Google Maps API)
  • ExtOL (Ext JS with OpenLayers supporting ArcGIS REST API)

You can choose the version suited for you. Please do not hesitate to ask for questions, new features and bugs.


Categories: ExtMap Tags: , , , , , , , ,

PHPGeoTiles for Google App Engine (Project name changed!)

January 11th, 2009 2 comments

Update 1 : Project name changed from PHPGeoCache to PHPGeoTiles due to a conflict, sorry for change.

Hi Geo Readers,

I am very happy to announce a new Open Source project :   PHPGeoTiles

PHPGeoTiles is a tile proxy for Web Map Services (WMS). It creates tiles from WMS to store them on local disk or Google App Engine‘s “BigTable”.

This project is not the first one, there are better implementations of caching. So there is a question that why did i started this project? There are two answers for this question :

  • There is no caching mechanism written in PHP (if there are any, please let me know 🙂 )
  • There is no caching mechanism store tiles on Google App Engine

I have been coding for 7 years in PHP, so it is a better environment for me than Java, .NET or python. PHP is also very popular on web due to its simplicity. You can easily find hosting on internet. Also I have been using Google App Engine for 3 months to store my tiles. Google App Engine is a kind of “Cloud Computing” environment to use in your applications.

This version is the first one as numbered 0.1. So that testing phase is very limited and its your responsibility to use it in your projects.

I’m very glad to hear your comments, questions or bug reports about the project 🙂

Project Web Page : PHPGeoTiles

Update 2 : Version 0.2 is available, ArcGIS Server REST API to Google App Engine support is added to new version.